Pure Drops is a Private Membership Association, members only website
How did we become Pure Drops
Hi, Dan here, Founder and President of Pure Drops.
Both my wife, Karen, and I first learned about Chlorine Dioxide (CL02) years ago, when we attended a Hawaii health retreat where a number of time-proven alternative medicinal treatments were shared and demonstrated. We were immediately excited about the potential of CLO2 for improving an individual’s health and vitality.
We began using CL02 at home with great results, initially just for our own personal use, yet after a few years we became true CLO2 enthusiasts after seeing our friends and family benefit. Being such an effective and very safe therapeutic, we spent years trying out different CLO2 pre-made product mixes on the market. To our surprise, we found that they not only varied in price but in their quality as well. After testing many, we noticed that almost every CL02 mixture that we ordered from other sources contained some level of impurities.
After much research and discussion, we made the decision to start making Chlorine Dioxide Kits ourselves, using the purest of ingredients and our own production process that we had refined after a number of trials. Our unique production method includes an extra filtering step, not used by other CL02 makers, that removes the impurities found in CL02 source materials. It is this extra filtering step that was the impetus behind our brand name: “Pure Drops”.
We started providing Chlorine Dioxide kits as gifts to friends, neighbors and our own families. But during Covid times, interest in our Pure Drops kits grew well beyond our immediate social circles and we learned that the power of CL02 also extends to help in the effective COVID prevention and treatment!
Presently, we operate Pure Drops under a Private Membership Association (PMA), making it available for anyone that joins our Healthy Home Membership.